
Engagement can be a powerful element of Responsible Investing. Investors can influence companies as owners by voting their share proxies to indicate displeasure or support for company policies and decisions. Engagement can go further, involving corporate management in direct discussions in pursuit of positively changing corporate environmental, societal and governance behavior. Even further still, Investors can engage government and industry organizations in conversations about change, about policies that impact the companies you own.

When it comes to engagement strategies, your money can be making an impact in the world, whether you are aware of it or not. We research and present you with relevant points of proxy voting, shareholder proposals and other engagements being made on your behalf, so that you can evaluate for yourself whether the funds you invest in are aligned with your values.  

Read some recent examples of engagement activity and results below to get an idea of how your investments could be leveraging the power of your money to influence change:


RBC - What is ESG?

RBC - How proxy voting can hold companies accountable on ESG

Mackenzie Investments 2022 Sustainable Investing Report

NEI Q4 2022 Active Ownership Report

NEI Q4 2022 Corporate Engagement Snapshot

Capital Group Global Citizenship and Sustainability 2022 Report

iA Clarington Investments 2022 Dialog to Action Report

Templeton 2022 ESG Engagement Report